Marathon Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc. (Marathon) assisted Bridgeport Disposal, LLC, an affiliate of Clean Harbors, with the engineering design and environmental permitting of a reconstructed dike and tide gate at its industrial facility in Logan Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey.
The project involved the reconstruction of approximately 400 linear feet of eroded and breached earthen dike located along the shoreline of the tidal Raccoon Creek. The reconstructed dike consisted of stacked gabion baskets, a replacement tide gate, and rip-rap slope stabilization matting.

The reconstruction activities caused temporary and permanent disturbances to freshwater wetlands, coastal wetlands, and tidal open waters. Marathon prepared applications to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), Division of Land Use Regulation and United States Army Corps of Engineers to request permits for the dike and tide gate repair activities. In conjunction with these application processes, Marathon coordinated with a cultural resources consultant to prepare an archaeological resources Avoidance Plan. The following permits were successfully obtained: Waterfront Development Individual Permits, Coastal Wetlands Individual Permits, Freshwater Wetlands General Permit, and Nationwide Permits.
Marathon also assisted during the construction phase by submitting an application for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Certification, preparing construction drawings and specifications, preparing the bid package, coordinating the construction bid process, and performing construction inspections.
The NJDEP permit included a condition to mitigate for permanent impacts to tidal waters and wetlands. Marathon designed a wetlands enhancement project and prepared a wetlands/waters mitigation proposal that was approved by the NJDEP. Marathon coordinated the mitigation project from the development phase through the construction phase by assisting with the preparation of a conservation easement, coordinating with the landscape contractor, performing construction oversight, and preparing a construction completion report for submission to the NJDEP. Marathon has been contracted to perform post-construction monitoring of the mitigation site through the 2017 growing season.
Client: Bridgeport Disposal, LLC
c/o William Geary
42 Longwater Drive
Norwell, Massachusetts 02061-9149
Period of Performance: 2008 – 2017
Key Personnel:
Don Brickner
Tom Hart, P.E.