Manchester Township, Ocean County, New Jersey
Marathon Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc. (Marathon) assisted a confidential client with an application to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) for land use permits for renovations to approximately 15 acres of recreational facilities at the Manchester Township High School located in the Township of Manchester, Ocean County, New Jersey. The Manchester Township Board of Education proposed the following redevelopment activities:
- Relocation and expansion of tennis courts;
- Regrading of the existing football field and track facility to improve drainage;
- Realignment of and improvements to soccer and baseball fields;
- Expansion of an existing half-field into a full-field for lacrosse/field hockey;
- Expansion of parking area;
- Construction of a new restroom facility;
- Installation of underdrain system;
- Expansion of stormwater management facilities.
The redevelopment activities involved regulated activities within freshwater wetlands and wetlands transition area regulated by the NJDEP. Freshwater Wetlands approvals, including General Permits and a Transition Area Waiver, were successfully obtained from the NJDEP to authorize the redevelopment activities.
During the preparation of the NJDEP permit application, Marathon performed a natural resources survey of the project area, including vegetation survey, wetlands delineation, and assessment of soil suitability for stormwater management features.
To mitigate for redevelopment activities within the transition area of an exceptional resource value freshwater wetland, the NJDEP required the enhancement of a previously disturbed wetlands transition area on the High School property. Marathon assisted with the design of the wetlands transition area enhancement plan that involved the planting of native trees covering approximately 0.4 acre.
Client: Confidential
Period of Performance:
Key Personnel:
Donald Brickner