Site Remediation Act

Site Remediation Act Signed into Law

On May 7th, Governor Jon S. Corzine signed into law the Site Remediation Reform Act (the Act). The Act drastically changes the way due diligence investigatons and remediations will be completed in New Jersey. The Act requires the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) to create a licensed site professional (LSP) remediation program giving private-practice environmental consultants who meet the minimum standards set forth in the bill the authority to certify that clean-up projects have met the NJDEP requirements.

In place of the “no further action,” the licensed site professional will issue a Response Action Outcome to certify that the investigation and remediation are complete. The NJDEP would be required to establish a licensing board to oversee the program and provide random review and audits of cases to ensure that licenced site professionals are acting in good faith in their completion of remediation projects.

Marathon will continue to monitor the progress of the NJDEP’s implementation of the LSP bill and its effects on new and existing cases. For more information on the Licensed Site Professional Bill and its implementation, please contact Bob Carter at (856)-241-9705 or